Privacy policy

Browsing on the FIQ website

The Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec–FIQ’s website contains links to external websites. We are not responsible for the content on these sites or their privacy practices.

Cookies and Google Analytics

The FIQ collects information from its website through third parties (Google Analytics, Google Maps and Facebook Pixel).

This data collection enables the FIQ to collect demographic data for statistical purposes and information on the interests of visitors to the website. The information is anonymized and cannot be associated with anyone in particular.

The FIQ collects and retains some personal information of the people who subscribe to its newsletter (name and email address).


The personal information collected through the FIQ’s website is handled confidentially and we do everything possible to use the appropriate security measures based on the nature and quantity of information.

This information can be communicated to FIQ consulting staff or to union representatives, to the extent necessary for performing their duties, and with the consent of the person.

Person in charge of document access and the protection of personal information (privacy officer)

Liliane Côté

Download the Privacy Policy (PDF)