On December 5, 2024, the FIQ and the government signed the new 2024-2028 collective agreement. This step officially marks the end of the collective negotiations and the coming into force of your new provincial collective agreement. The new collective agreement comes into force on December 15, including the premium for critical periods.
The next step is just as important. We must now deploy and apply the new negotiated texts. In the following paragraphs, you will find information on this, for example about retroactive salary and more specifically when various working conditions take effect. You have a crucial role to play in the success of this step. You are the eyes and ears of your union representatives who will ensure that the employer applies the different gains obtained.
Also, in certain situations, you will have actions to take to gain access to the new working conditions, as applicable.
Important dates concerning the new salary scales and retroactive salary
The negotiated salary increases are retroactive to April 1, 2023.
The employer has an obligation to pay the amounts below according to the timelines indicated. For information purposes, here are the dates the employer must prepare the payments for (please note that pay periods vary between institutions):
45 days from the date of signing to adjust the salary scales and adjust the existing premiums. The target pay period is on or around January 23, 2025.
90 days from the date of signing to pay the retroactive salary and the salary adjustments on existing premiums in the previous collective agreement, the monetary compensation and the supplements expressed as percentages, in addition to overtime and the allowances in Article 19 of the 2021-2023 collective agreement. The target pay period is on or around February 20, 2025;
120 days from the date of signing to apply the other premiums negotiated and pay the amounts retroactive to December 15, 2024 on them. The work is still underway. You will be notified of a specific date as soon as possible.
The premium for critical periods begins on December 15 and will be included in the pay period on or around January 23, 2025.
Between April 1, 2023 and December 15, 2024, a salary adjustment (retroactive) will be applied, which includes:
- The adjustment between the current salary and new salary (includes people in QPIP, CNESST, IVAQ, and SAAQ, as well as people who worked during the time covered and who quit or retired);
- The adjustment on premium(s) received on the current salary versus the salary adjustment from point 1;
- The overtime rate adjustment received on the current salary versus the salary adjustment from point 1;
- The lump sum adjustment for a licensed practical nurse (versus beneficiary attendants) received based on the current salary versus the salary adjustment from point 1.
2023-2028 salary projections
Calculate the impact on your salary
Coming into force of provisions unrelated to salary
· With some exceptions, the new provincial provisions of the collective agreement will come into force on December 15, 2024.
These working conditions include transitional measures:
The number of annual vacation days is increased starting from the 15th year of service, allowing healthcare professionals to obtain a 5th week of vacation after 19 years of service instead of after the previously required 25 years. These annual vacation days are gradually acquired starting from the 15th year of service.
If you have more than 15 years of service, you will have a right to additional days for the annual vacation period underway (2024-2025).
Transitional measure: For the annual vacation period underway (2024-2025), the employer must do its utmost to grant them between now and April 30, 2025, according to some conditions. If it proves impossible to grant these annual vacation days, they can be carried over to the next year (2025-2026).
From now on, the employer will reimburse full-time employees 50% of their permit with the OIIQ, OIIAQ and OPIQ, up to a maximum of $400 per year.
Transitional measure: For the year 2024-2025, the permit will be reimbursed on a prorata basis between December 15, 2024 and the permit expiry, on March 31, 2025.
The employer’s annual contribution to the health insurance plan will be increased by $150 for an individual insured, and by $300 for an insured who has dependents.
The employer’s contribution to group insurance will be increased starting from the paycheque following the 45th day after the signing of the collective agreement.
From now on it is possible, upon agreement with the employer and with over six months prior notice, to extend the initial progressive retirement agreement for a minimum of 12 months. Despite any extension, the total duration of the agreement cannot exceed seven years.
Transitional measure: For those who started a progressive retirement and whose early retirement agreement is due to end before March 31, 2025, you can request an extension without having to give the six months’ notice.
From now on, there is a unique process for recognizing seniority in the health and social services network (RSSS) that was lost when changing institutions within the RSSS. It will be possible to get your accumulated seniority recognized if more than one year hasn’t passed between the two jobs.
You have until May 31, 2025 to give your current employer proof of the time you worked for employer(s) in the RSSS in order to gain recognition for your seniority.
Please also take a look at the section Different processes regarding seniority.
For part-time employees who have a position with an evening or night component or who work for the most part after 2 pm and who in the last 12 months offered and respected for the most part a minimum 16/28 availability, there is a voluntary position upgrade process. However, the upgrade process can only happen once.
The employer has 60 days to offer to upgrade your position to 8/14 or 9/14 and as such allow you to keep the increased premium rates for evenings or nights from the previous collective agreement, as long as you remain in this position.
Part-time employees who currently have this type of position will also be able to keep the premium rates they currently have.
In addition, the double rate for overtime on weekends will also begin on December 15, 2024, in the following situations:
- Working in a centre of activities where services are provided twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week, during a full shift of overtime;
- For a minimum of four (4) hours of overtime, for an employee whose regular workday is 11.25 hours, when these overtime hours are worked immediately before or after these hours.
To be eligible, the part-time or full-time employee must meet the following conditions:
A) after having worked the number of hours set out for their job title (i.e., have worked 37.5 hours in their workweek at the regular rate)
B) if the employee followed their schedule of seven (7) days before and seven (7) days after the shift of overtime work.
The following cannot be considered as absences demonstrating that the employee did not follow their schedule:
- Annual scheduled vacation;
- Statutory holidays;
- Union leaves;
- Conversion of premiums into time off;
- Scheduled days off for the purposes of organizing work time or special agreements;
- Floating holidays;
- Parental leave days, including medical visits for a pregnancy;
- Special leaves stipulated in the collective agreement.
Different processes regarding seniority
There are two processes concerning seniority in the collective agreement in Letter of Understanding No. 32.
In both situations, the employee is responsible for providing the documentation for the seniority recognition process according to the procedure and timelines set out by the employer.
Situation 1 – Lost recognition of seniority after changing institutions in the RSSS
It is a unique process that will take place six months before the Santé Québec merger (on or around May 31, 2025).
An employee who lost seniority upon changing institutions in the RSSS, and for whom no more than one year has passed between the two jobs, will be able to have their lost seniority recognized.
Between December 2024 and March 2025, the employee must give their consent in order for the employer to take an inventory of their previous jobs and seniority.
Toward the end of April 2025, the employer will provide each employee with a report listing their previous jobs and seniority.
Around May 2025, the employee will have to make sure the report is accurate. If it is not, the employee can send a request to make a correction to their employer.
Situation 2 – Recognition of seniority for independent labour hired in the RSSS
It is a unique process that will take place six months following the integration of Santé Québec (on or around May 31, 2025).
An employee who worked for an employment agency or as independent labour could have their seniority recognized for the time they worked in RSSS institutions between March 13, 2020 and their hire date in the RSSS, between March 19, 2024, and May 31, 2025, inclusively.
The employer will soon communicate with the employees in question to send them the steps to take.
If you have any questions, please talk to your local union representatives. They are there to answer your questions and support you in the deployment of this new collective agreement.