Info-négo No 27, 22 August 2024

Negotiations: We’re going to shake things up this fall

Since the July 10, 2024 Info-négo, it’s been impossible to break the impasse with the government. While negotiations may be at a standstill at the bargaining table, know that negotiation issues are not losing steam, on the contrary.  This September will be very busy with upcoming mobilization in support of the Negotiating Committee.

August 12, 2024 marked the 500th day without a collective agreement for FIQ member nurses, licensed practical nurses, respiratory therapists and clinical perfusionists, which will kick off several visibility actions in the coming weeks. As for Sonia LeBel, the minister responsible for negotiations, she continues to publicly deny that there is an impasse. She uses other labour organizations that reached agreements with the government as examples and insists that the FIQ do its part. Columnists have also joined in, saying the FIQ is the main one responsible for all the problems in the health network.

It comes as no real surprise. What’s currently playing out in the media regarding healthcare professionals is just a public relations operation aimed at putting the FIQ and its members on the defensive and taking some of the pressure off the government. This is an old strategy that we know very well, and we will not fall for it. Pressure must stay in the right place–on the government. And no matter what it says, we will stay focused on our objective: obtaining an agreement that will satisfy our members.

A meeting with your union representatives is scheduled in mid-September. Together, we can take stock of what’s come out of the summer tour, of the discussions with members in the institutions, and agree on the next steps in negotiations. If you were unable to participate in the tour discussions, there is still time to contact your representatives to learn about what is to come.

Things are going to get shaken up this fall! Since this government is determined not to recognize your expertise, we will use every pressure tactic necessary to make your anger heard.

We are counting on your broad mobilization. Stay tuned.