Info-négo No 29, 4 September 2024
Intensive bargaining session
The mediator summoned the parties
On September 3, the mediator, who has already been involved in our negotiation process for months, called the Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec – FIQ and the government for an intensive bargaining session.
It is important to understand that the mediator’s role is not to take sides or to impose decisions. The goal is to bring the two parties closer by listening to their points of view and suggesting solutions that could help overcome the blocks. For months, the mediator has been making attempts to facilitate dialogue between us and the employer party. He works on the sidelines, without taking a stance in public or in the media, and he respects the fact that disagreements are a normal part of any negotiations.
He recently expressed concern over the growing tensions that, in his opinion, were likely going to further distance us from an agreement. It was with this in mind that he summoned us and the employer to resume discussions. He believes that bringing negotiations back to the table could help in finding acceptable solutions for both parties.
That said, it is important to remember that this process does not change our determination to fight on. We remain firmly committed to defending our members’ interests, to making our voice heard, and to responding to public statements we believe are false or not connected to the reality of healthcare professionals.
We are participating in this intensive bargaining session with a clear goal: reaching an agreement that satisfies our members. The session started today, September 4, for the Negotiating Committee, while many of us made our voices heard at the Coalition Avenir Québec caucus in Rimouski.
Please keep an eye out for upcoming information because the fight continues, and we are staying mobilized for you.