Info-négo No 24, 22 May 2024
Why not have a “provincial” float team?
The government announced it was creating a float team to compensate for withdrawing independent labour from Abitibi-Témiscamingue and the Côte-Nord. But there is a dire need across the whole province. So why not create a provincial float team for all regions and urban centres in Quebec?
The government says that it hasn’t yet called on FIQ members to participate in the project because negotiations with us are still underway. We believe, on the contrary, that this measure would benefit from discussions at the bargaining table as soon as possible.
Your representatives mandated us to explore alternatives to the government’s mobility needs. If these needs can be met by a provincial float team, and if it is truly done on a voluntary basis, then this would be an opportunity to advance negotiations. The FIQ invites the government to come talk about this solution with us at the bargaining table so that we can start to bridge the gab separating us.
That said, the provincial float team is only part of the solution. To become a choice employer, the government should also negotiate solutions that will truly attract and retain healthcare professionals across Quebec.
Negotiations continue. Stay tuned.